Saturday, January 12, 2019

Trader Development Spectrum - How Close Are You To Becoming A Successful Trader?

Have you made losses in your trading so far?
Have you gone indicator hopping in the past, or doing that still?
Have you invested into a system, course, trading & tips service, trading rooms and regretted your decisions, not to mention lost money? 

Well then don't worry you are not alone... these are common mistakes traders make in an early part their career and it's not your fault... let me say it again...

It's not your fault. - Dean

I have struggled with this in the past myself, and if you are struggling too, it's not your fault… You made losses because you were never told the complete picture, you want to change that, don’t you? You can do this, so throw the fear of not succeeding out of your mind, just let me explain this to you…

Trading success does not lie in an indicator or technique, they told you a lie because it benefitted them… The reason I am sharing this with you is I don’t want you to reinvent the wheel. Just knowing this won't make you successful, you have to put in the hard work at the end of the day, right?

So are you ready to finally start your journey to becoming a consistently profitable trader? Believe me, you can…

  Who should read this post?

If you are a beginner you will instantly find out what you are doing wrong and the things that you need to avoid like the plague, sounds helpful?
If you are trading for a while, then you will see the things you are giving undue importance to, which is actually hindering your progress…
If you are already successful then don’t worry, even you guys can take something out of this one. You will be able to find out a few things which you may not have articulated yet, but need to define and spend the better part of your time on…

So just one presentation which will answer everyone's questions, no mean feat I say, do you agree this can be helpful to you? If you do read on...

The One Thing To Remember

The only way you can make any progress is by knowing where you are at the present and knowing where you want to go. – Dean
I plan to give you exactly that… and the way you can get that is by understanding my Trader Development Spectrum… I am excited for this one, are you? So lets start…

Where I am at present?

I have been trading for over 13 years now… Struggled with almost everything, that you may be finding hard to crack in your trading right now. But I kept learning, talking to mentors, reading, watching videos and webinars, doing courses. Over the years all this work has helped me see things clearly and today I want to share my leanings with you…

This Is My Story

I started out like all of you, with a desire to make a truck load of money and be in complete control of my time… all of you want that right? I did not know any better, I thought just a desire to make money is enough in the markets, clearly, it turned out totally different...

While not only was it an uphill battle to make money at the start, I also had to deal with a lot of self-doubt and confusion. Despite reading hundreds of books, watching videos, I somehow could not figure out what I was doing wrong. Then one day, when I was caught up in my own thoughts I had an epiphany...

I realised I did not know where I am at present. Then how am I supposed to take steps to where I want to go... I mean it sounds so silly now but was gut-wrenching at the moment...

I mean Uber Cabs understands this concept. Whenever you book a cab you have to give them two important pieces of information...
  1. Where you want to go?
  2. Where you are right now? So they can come and pick you up...
When I realised what a dummy I was I started working towards assessing where I am right now, all I could think of that time was the indicators and techniques I was using. The hopping began all over again and once again I hit a wall…

Point Of No return

But I had already left my job and had committed to become a fulltime trader, so there was no going back, I had to do it, it was a now or never for me. The work was much more difficult than it was before this point of no return.

But slowly I started finding my feet and I crossed over to the other side, and the Trader Development Spectrum took shape. Now the other side is not about making profits while you sleep but a clarity of where to focus, which path to select, and in most cases that is all you need…

After the crossover I felt that my self-doubt was totally cured, I was not second guessing my trades, I believed firmly in my plans. But at the same time, as and when the reality of the markets changed that is the market conditions changed I was also flexible enough to change my view on the markets…

The confusion slowly melted away… and I can tell you it’s a very very nice feeling, believe me… Now let’s get to the TDS…

Trader Development Spectrum

TDS shows you which category you fall in based on what you are doing right now in your trading. It also shows you what you have to do to get to the next level in your trading. The goal is to move from left to right on the chart above to become a consistently profitable trader...

Why should you use TDS?

When I started using TDS, I was able to reduce confusion, let me tell you a short story…

I started out using Traditional Technical Analysis, then moved on to Elliott Wave and Finally settled with Market Profile. The reason of jumping around was I was looking for the answers to my questions at wrong places. Basically, I was barking up the wrong tree.

But when I started using TDS I found that it is not all about the tools I was using, but I also had to focus on risk management, I had to focus on my own self that is how I react to markets stimulus and finally, I had to work a lot on my thought process…

But once I started doing this, I am seeing myself pull up the Trader Development Spectrum, slowly but surely. Still, a long way to go, but I am happy that at least I am on the right track now…

Is TDS for you?

Will this benefit me as I am a newbie? Yes, it will, because I was a newbie and if I can make this much progress anyone can…

Will I be able to understand this model? Yes, it is extremely simple, mind you this does not mean it will be a cakewalk, you will have to put in the efforts, but at least your efforts will be on the right track, that I can guarantee…

Is the current market scenario suitable for TDS? Actually, the TDS model is more about you than the markets, markets do not trade themselves, traders trade the markets…

Will it take up more of my time? I feel it will save you a lot of time down the line, imagine walking down the wrong path for 5 years and then realising this…

Where can I learn more about this?

I am putting together a course which will go in depth of this process…
The course will not only discuss the process but will also go into the following details…
  1. Tools used like MP, PA, OFA, EW, VSA, etc
  2. Risk Management
  3. Self Understanding and Development
  4. Refining your Thought Process
  5. Achieve Flawless Execution…
The course will be a series of small courses, the structure is in the final stages. So if you want to join you got to stay in touch with me, and you can do it by doing the following…

How can you stay in touch?

Join my Telegram channel and group…
Follow me on Twitter - @aniruddha4tew
Like my Facebook Page – Get That Trading Edge
Be a part of my Facebook Group – Dean Market Profile
Till the time the course is launched, you can watch over 200 videos from me on my YouTube channel – Dean Market Profile


I hope this article gave to a nostalgic feeling and you may have remembered some past losses too. But that is not the objective here. The objective is to help you figure out where you are in your journey and help you elevate yourself to the master trader level...

I am sure your friends and colleagues will find it useful too, so don't hesitate to share it with them, because...

Sharing Is Caring👇👇👇

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